The S.M.A.R.T. Jaw Reconstruction = better outcomes, less pain, less swelling, fewer complications. Patients are taking notice!

S.M.A.R.T. is a novel minimally invasive bone grafting method developed by Dr. Ernesto Lee, a renowned master clinician and innovator with a 20+ year academic career. S.M.A.R.T. provides many advantages over traditional bone grafting procedures
Similar to laparoscopic surgery, only a small incision is required. There is no need to raise the gums, or use complicated techniques with membranes, titanium meshes, or tenting screws. As a result, better outcomes are achieved with less pain, less swelling and fewer complications.
Many complex situations often grafted using bone blocks taken from the hip or jaws in a hospital environment, can now be treated with a simple procedure in the dental office. Implants that have lost bone can now be treated as well. Surgical risks, pain, recovery time and complications are substantially decreased.